Daily Meditation – Bring Your Mind Home

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Bring Your Mind Home

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Bring Your Mind Home (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and enter this present moment.
Breathe out and ask yourself, “Who am I who is worried about that?”

If at any time today you get overwhelmed, stressed, worried, anxious—zoom out by asking yourself, “Who am I who is getting so worried?”

Breathe in and lighten up! It’s not serious!
Breathe out and just step into this moment by asking yourself, “Who am I?”

Who am I who is sitting in this chair? When you ask yourself this question, you can feel your mind turning around back in on itself to look at itself. And the mind just sinks back into the infinite. It dissolves into the heart of hearts. It becomes still. And its limitations are removed when you ask, “Who am I?”

Breathing in, who am I?
Breathing out, who am I who is sitting here?

Who am I who is thinking about other people? Who am I who is anxious? Feel the mind turn in on itself, and relax because it has found its home, the heart, the infinite.

Breathe in and bring your mind home.
Breathe out and ask that sacred question, “Who am I?”

Feel your attention turn inwards. Feel your mind rest back in the infinite. Feel your mind dissolve as it looks for the answer to “Who am I?” What is the answer you recognize when you ask, “Who am I?”

Breathing in, who am I?
Breathing out, who am I?

Go to the placeless place. You can get there by asking, “Am I aware?” or “Who am I?” Maybe it depends on your mood what’s going to work for you today. But if you’re overwhelmed or stressed, sometimes asking, “Who am I?” works a little better than “Am I aware?” Of course I’m aware. I’m aware of stress. But when you ask, “Who am I who is stressed?” feel the mind turn in on itself, dissolve into the infinite, and realize there’s nothing there to be stressed about. It’s nothing. Everything is perfect and in its place. You’re in the right place at the right time. And it’s safe to relax now and practice the art of letting life come to you!

Breathing in, who am I?
Breathing out, who am I?

Relax into the knowing of who you are. Relax into the infinite. Dissolve your mind into the infinite. And when you come back to objective reality, you will have such amazing creative solutions to any problem that may present itself. Because now, you have relieved your mind of its limitations. You are now aware. And you are now in the flow.

Breathing in, who am I?
Breathing out, who am I?


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