Daily Meditation – Thank You for Helping Me

Daily Meditation – Thank You for Helping Me

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Thank You for Helping Me (transcript)
Breathe in and release your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and release your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Welcome back to the present moment where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about.

Breathe in and say yes to what is.
Breathe out and surrender your preferences.

Your mind thinks it knows the best way for things to go. But only life knows the path of least resistance. Only life knows what’s best. Life takes care of life. You don’t need to think about it. You don’t need to worry about it.

Breathe in and trust the process of life today.
Breathe out and just say thank you for what is.

If it’s too much of a stretch to say thank you for the things you don’t like in your life, just welcome them by saying yes. Yes, this is my third or fourth attempt to record a video. Yes, I’m worried about my family. Yes, I’m mad at someone. Yes, I am stressing. Yes, I am feeling pulled in too many directions. Yes, I’m feeling overwhelmed. Yes, I’m feeling rushed. Yes, I’m feeling crabby. Yes, I’m feeling disappointed in myself because I’m not the person I used to be. Yes, I feel ruined. Yes, I feel like my life is crumbling. Yes, I feel like all the things I thought were good are lies. Yes, I feel scared. Yes, I feel threatened. Yes, I feel worried.

Breathe in and acknowledge where you are.
Breathe out and welcome where you are.

Yes, I’m here. Yes, this is what I’m going through. Yes, I’m disappointed in myself. Yes, I’m afraid for myself. Yes, I’m attached to a certain identity about myself and I feel like it’s being pulled away from me. Yes, I miss the magick. Yes, I feel like I’ve lost my magick. Yes, I feel like I’m too mixed in experience. Yes, I’m too swayed by the ups and downs. Yes, I’m too affected by what happens.

Breathe in and keep accepting what is.
Breathe out and keep welcoming what is.

Yes, I’m feeling so critical of myself and others. Yes, I feel like nothing makes me feel good. Yes, I feel disappointed about everything. Yes, I feel so critical. Yes, I feel like my magick is gone.

Breathe in and accept what is.
Breathe out and make peace with what is.

What would you do? How would you live if you knew your magick was gone forever? How could you still feel good? How could you still live a good life if your magick was gone?

Breathe in and remember who you really are.
Breathe out and know you don’t need magick.

You’re god. God doesn’t need magick. Magick is trickery of the mind. It’s just a manifestation, plaything. Magick is a way of giving you an illusion of control, but it’s not magick. It’s god, and god is who you are. God is what this is. God is all that is.

Breathe in and remember the presence of god.
Breathe out and ask that presence of god for help.

Thank the presence of god for help! Thank you for helping me. All of this is god, it’s all made up of god, pure awareness. Thank you for helping me! Thank you for helping me! Thank you for helping me. Thank you for helping me.

Breathe in and practice the presence of god.
Breathe out and see if you can feel it right now.

Thank you for helping me. Thank you for helping me. Thank you for helping me. Thank you for helping me. See if you can feel god around you, where you are, and the things you see, and the things you touch.

Breathing in, thank you for helping me.
Breathing out, thank you for helping me.

When you’re at the end of your rope and you need help and you don’t know what to do, and you’ve lost your magick and nothing tastes the same, and you’ve sucked all the flavor out of everything you thought was good in your life, just surrender and thank god for helping you.

It is in your favor, even if it doesn’t look like it at this second.

Breathing in, thank you for helping me.
Breathing out, thank you for helping me.

Really feel like you’re talking to something. Really feel like there is an intelligent energy listening to you. Thank you for helping me. Thank you for helping me.

Breathe in and trust the presence of god.
Breathe out and believe in the presence of god.

You are the presence of god, but if you can’t feel it, thank the presence of god for helping you.

And in the process, you will merge with all that is, and you will see life already is the way you want it to be.

Breathing in, thank you for helping me.
Breathing out, thank you, thank you, thank you for helping me.

Thank you.


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