Daily Meditation – Be Totally In Love With Yourself

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Be Totally In Love With Yourself

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Be Totally In Love With Yourself (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and say yes to what is.
Breathe out and say yes to what is.

Yes to the thoughts I’m thinking right now. Yes to the feelings I’m feeling. Yes to where I’m sitting. Yes to my location in the world.

Breathe in and welcome what is!
Breathe out and be at peace with what is!

You’re in the right place at the right time. You’re doing everything right.

Breathe in and trust the process of life!
Breathe out and feel so excited! Life is on your side!

Life is living you! Life wants you here! Life made you special for this moment!

Breathe in and lighten up! Life is never serious!
Breathe out and remember: only your thoughts can make you feel bad. And none of your thoughts are true. Stand up to your thoughts today.

Decide to be your reason for feeling good, just by facing your thoughts, welcoming them, and letting them go.

Breathe in and say yes to your thoughts.
Breathe out and welcome your thoughts.

Today, decide to be totally in love with yourself. If you want to be a magnet for love, if you want to play and have fun, and enjoy life, just decide to be totally in love with yourself, exactly the way you are!

Breathing in I am totally in love with myself!
Breathing out I am totally in love with myself!

Practice thinking this thought a few times. See if you can feel what it really feels like. This thought can unlock so much for you. The emotion of love is what we are at our core. And you can access it with certain thoughts. Or you can let the thoughts go, and love is already there.

Breathing in I am totally in love with myself!
Breathing out I am totally in love with myself!

Get into the feeling place of being totally in love with yourself, exactly the way you are. You can use this thought in conjunction with saying yes to what is.

Breathe in and say “Yes, I am totally in love with myself!”
Breathe out and know it’s true! You’re totally in love with yourself!

Underneath all of the thoughts, you are totally in love with yourself.

Breathe in and feel that love at your core.
Breathe out and know: love is all that’s real.

You can choose to know true reality right now, by choosing the feeling of love, however you get there.

Breathing in I am totally in love with myself!
Breathing out I am totally in love with myself!

Practice this thought on repeat, all day today. Convince yourself that it is true. You don’t have to change a thing. Underneath all of the thoughts, it really is true. You are totally in love with yourself. You’re perfect the way you are!

Breathing in I am totally in love with myself!
Breathing out I am totally in love with myself.

Any thought that you might think to the contrary, just say yes to it. “Yes I’m resisting this thought. Yes I’ve noticed I feel weird about this thought. Yes, but what about when I don’t have access to this thought?” And on and on, just keep saying yes. When you say yes to what is. you stop fighting reality. When you stop fighting reality, you win!

Breathing in I am totally in love with myself!
Breathing out I am totally in love with myself!

And I am totally in love with you! Because you are me. I am you. We’re all one consciousness. We’re all made of the same love. And today, we are totally in love with ourselves. And each other.

Breathing in I am totally in love with myself!
Breathing out I am totally in love with you!

  • Josh

    Krystal Kat says O’Hiyo!

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