Daily Meditation – Allow It!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Allow It!

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Allow It! (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and really let go of your resistance.

Today I’ve noticed that I’m resisting so much. I’m resisting the news. I’m resisting the pain in my back. I’m resisting having to cook. I’m resisting being told what to do. I’m resisting being inconvenienced. I’m resisting having to take care of myself! I’m resisting a lot!

Breathe in and be here now.
Breathe out and truly let go of your resistance.

Ask yourself, “What am I conscious of right now?” I am conscious of these lights on me. I am conscious of the pressure to say the right thing. I am conscious of this little hole in my mind where the right words come through.

Breathe in and ask yourself, “What am I conscious of?”
Breathe out and just let yourself sit with that question. I am conscious of…

I am conscious of the airplane noise. I am conscious of my judgement of flying. I am conscious of second-guessing everything I say. I am conscious of my diluted focus. I am conscious of feeling pressured to stick to the schedule I set up in my mind. What are you conscious of?

Breathe in and just notice what you’re conscious of.
Breathe out and say, “I’ve noticed I’m conscious of that and that’s ok!”

Today, we are going to let go of our resistance and start allowing well being to flow!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Imagine your resistance leaving your body. There’s so much going on to resist. So much newness that we’re not used to. So much inconvenience.

Breathe in and lighten up! It’s not serious!
Breathe out and know that the more resistance you let go of, the more your life will flow!

And to let go of resistance, you only have to allow, or accept what is.

Breathe in and accept what is!
Breathe out and smile because the solution is simple! You don’t have to DO anything!

To accept things as they are, means to stop resisting them in you mind. To stop fighting the way things are. Things have changed forever. And that can be a great thing! But we still might resist so much of what is happening.

Breathe in and notice your resistance!
Breathe out and intend to let it go.

You don’t even have to let it go right now. Just say, “I intend to let my resistance go. I intend to let my resistance go. I intend to let go of my resistance. I intend to stop resisting and start allowing!”

Breathe in and say, “I allow this!”
Breathe out and allow what is!

When you allow things to be as they are, you also allow other things to come in, like abundance and health and fun and joy!

Breathe in and say, “I allow this!”
Breathe out and let go of that resistance!

You don’t need it! It doesn’t help you; it just drags you down and makes you feel pain and illness. Resisting is only negative thoughts in your mind. It’s only your painful reaction to circumstances. And we can change that right now and start allowing what IS to BE, so it can move on! So that what we want can come through!

Breathe in and allow what you want to come through!
Breathe out and ask yourself, “What do I want?”

I just want to have a good attitude and I want to feel good and I want to be uplifting and I want to have fun and I just want to be present and allowing. I want to be present and allowing. What do you want?

Breathe in and allow what is.
Breathe out and know that with each thing you allow to be as it is, you allow something you want in!

Breathing in, I allow what is.
Breathing out, I allow what I want to come!

You can try variations of this mental code, like, “I’ll allow it!” Try that. Try to be playful about allowing this calamity. Try to be playful about allowing the things you’re resisting.

Breathing in, I’ll allow it!
Breathing out, I’ll allow it!

Just allow it. For each thing you’re resisting that you allow, you will allow something you want IN. So start thinking of all the opportunities you have now to allow what you want to come to you!

Breathing in, I’ll allow it!
Breathing out, I’ll allow it!


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