Daily Meditation – What’s Wrong With Right Now If You Don’t Think About It?

Daily Meditation – What’s Wrong With Right Now If…

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What’s Wrong With Right Now If You Don’t Think About It? (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Relax your body.

Breathe in and open up to receiving.
Breathe out and relax your body.

Let those thoughts go.

Ask yourself, “What’s wrong with right now if I don’t think about it?”

This is a question from Sailor Bob and the title of one of his books. “What’s wrong with right now if I don’t think about it?”

Breathe in and ponder.
Breathe out and really investigate.

“What is wrong with right now if I don’t think about it?”

Asking this question is a sacred question, just like, “Am I aware?” or “Who am I?” or “How do I know that I know?”

Breathe in and investigate.
Breathe out and look for the answer.

“What’s wrong with right now if I don’t think about it?”

It causes your attention to turn around, to relax into presence, into awareness. All of your suffering comes from your thinking and you have the choice to shift your attention from the content of awareness to awareness itself.

“What’s wrong with right now if I don’t think about it?”

Breathe in and lighten up. It’s not serious.
Breathe out and surrender.

Your heart beats without thinking about it. You breathe without thinking about it. You grow without thinking about it. Life takes care of life. Nature takes care of nature and you are nature.

Breathe in and ask, “What’s wrong with right now if I don’t think about it?”
Breathe out and look for that answer again.

“What is wrong with right now if I don’t think about it?” Nothing. You can’t come up with anything. The only right and wrong is in thought. That’s not truth. The only truth is presence. What is. Everything else is just separation, psychological suffering.

Breathe in and stop separating yourself.
Breathe out and just practice presence today.

Your magick power is your ability to stop focusing on the thoughts and start focusing on what is. Presence. Awareness. When you rest in awareness, you stop being affected by ups and downs. There is no right or wrong, good or bad.

Breathe in and rest in the presence.
Breathe out and let go of the right and wrong and good and bad.

What’s wrong with right now if you don’t think about it? It’s all neutral. It’s all one without a second.

Breathing in, what’s wrong with right now if I don’t think about it?
Breathing out, what’s wrong with right now if I don’t think about it?

Rest in the investigation, the noticing, the coming back to center, the waking up from the dream of the mind into the present moment, where it’s always the best moment of your life.

Breathe in and remember who you are.
Breathe out and notice the sameness.

When you’re not judging or separating with your thoughts, all of existence, all of presence is the same. Every moment is the best because you’re here. You’re present. You exist. That’s the bliss and the glory. This.

Breathe in and have the best moment of your life today.
Breathe out and see how it’s right now.

What’s wrong with right now if you don’t think about it? Right now is perfect if you don’t think about it because you rejoin with god, presence, awareness. God is right now. God is what you’re looking for. Love or god or infinite intelligence—that’s what you’re seeking when you want money and health and relationships. But it’s all right here, right now. This moment is it. This presence is it.

Breathe in and see there’s nothing wrong with right now if you don’t think about it.
Breathe out and keep asking all day: what’s wrong with right now if I don’t think about it?

It brings your attention back to presence, back to awareness. It brings your attention back to right now, where everything is perfect and in its place. Nothing has to change. This moment is the totality. This moment is the god, the love. It’s right here. You don’t need anything to change. If you can feel bliss and love right now, you don’t need anything else.

Breathe in and feel the bliss and the love right now.
Breathe out and know you’ll be okay no matter what happens.

No matter what happens, you have presence and that’s your true abundance. You have the presence of god with you right now. That is you.

Breathing in, what’s wrong with right now if I don’t think about it?
Breathing out, what’s wrong with right now if I don’t think about it?

Nothing. Right now is perfect. I already have it all.


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