Daily Meditation – If You Relax, The World Relaxes

Daily Meditation – If You Relax, The World Relaxes

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If You Relax, The World Relaxes (transcript)

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Relax your body.

Breathe in and know it’s all in perfect timing.
Breathe out and let yourself slow down.

It’s all in perfect timing.

Breathe in and relax.
Breathe out and relax your body.

Let yourself slow down to the pace of your breath.

Breathing in, I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out, I know I’m breathing out.

Breathing in, I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out, I know I’m breathing out.

Breathe in and lighten up. It’s really not serious.
Breathe out and smile because smiles become things.

Give yourself something to smile about right now.

Breathe in and opened up to receiving.
Breathe out and say thank you, thank you, thank you. I know it’s in my favor.

Whatever is happening is happening in perfect timing and it’s happening in your favor.

Breathe in and keep relaxing.
Breathe out and keep slowing down.

Use this time right now to relax your body and relax your mind. Allow yourself to become peaceful and still right now. Remember, you are the source. It’s time to start projecting what you want to receive.

Breathing in, thank you.
Breathing out, thank you, thank you, thank you. I know it’s in my favor.

Feel yourself feeling more optimistic already. Feel yourself trusting the process of life more and more, right now.

Breathe in and say thank you.
Breathe out and smile and say thank you.

Give yourself something to smile about today. Thank you, thank you. Trust, it’s in your favor. Trust, you don’t have to try to keep up with the world. The world can keep up with you.

Breathe in and relax some more.
Breathe out and let it be easy.

If you feel frantic and hurried, like you have to keep up with all the things you have to get done, you’re sending a signal to life that you’re frantic and hurried and there’s too much to do and that’s what life will give you. But if you take the time to meditate, relax, smile, be the source, say thank you, practice stabilizing as I AM, identifying as pure awareness—if you take the time to slow down and do these things, you’re telling life, I have time to relax. I have time to be peaceful. Everything happens in perfect timing in my life.

Breathe in and trust. Everything happens in perfect timing in your life.
Breathe out and know it really, really does.

You set the pace for today. You set the tone. Let god help you. Let life help you. All of the things you want to get done, you don’t have to be the one to do them. If you take the time to relax and rest and be the source, all of your little tasks that you want to rush to finish will start doing themselves. People will help you. You’ll be surprised that you don’t have to do certain things.

Breathe in and say yes to what is.
Breathe out and feel confident in your ability to project what you want to receive.

Breathing in, yes.
Breathing out, thank you.

Trust it’s in your favor. Trust it’s all working out for you. Trust that you set the tone for your day. You don’t have to rush to keep up with the world. The world can slow down to your pace. You set the tone. If you relax, the world relaxes. If you relax, the tasks do themselves.

Breathe in and relax today.
Breathe out and trust you’re the source.

Set the tone. You relax and your day will be relaxed.

Breathe in and say yes.
Breathe out and say thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


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