Daily Meditation – Be Aware

Daily Meditation – Be Aware

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Be Aware (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Relax your body.

Breathe in and open up to receiving.
Breathe out and celebrate how far you’ve come.

Allow yourself to relax into this moment. Let the flow through you and let it unfold naturally in perfect timing.

Breathe in and get out of your own way.
Breathe out and surrender.

You don’t have to think about any of it.

To have a good, happy, relaxing, joyful, abundant, loving life, all you have to do is just be aware. You’re already doing it.

Breathe in and simply identify as pure awareness.
Breathe out and relax into knowing you are simply pure awareness and that’s it.

Every single other thing is appearing on the pure awareness. The thoughts, the bodies, the objects, the emotions, the experiences, the landscapes, other people, animals, everything else is just an arising, an illusion, a wave.

Breathe in and see the illusion.
Breathe out and simply identify as pure awareness.

What is it that’s perceiving all of the waves, the light waves, the sound waves, the x-rays, whatever waves, the thoughts which are subtle sound waves, what’s perceiving all of that?

What is it that’s not a wave? It’s the pure, still awareness.

Breathe in and simply identify as pure awareness.
Breathe out and see how everything is simply waves arising in the pure awareness.

The thoughts are just waves, the sights, the sounds, everything you sense, it’s just a wave and when the wave stops, when it becomes still, what is it then? Simply pure awareness.

Breathe in and notice the waves.
Breathe out and remember you are the source of all of the waves.

Everything is made up of the pure awareness, everything you perceive, including your body and your thoughts, that’s just shaken up pure awareness, the stillness of pure awareness moved into a wave form.

Breathe in and be the pure awareness.
Breathe out and see everything for what it is, a wave arising within the pure awareness.

Breathe in and be aware.
Breathe out and notice how the pure awareness is never tarnished, affected by the waves. They come and go but the pure awareness is always the same and that’s who you really are and if you can stay resting identified as pure awareness, you will see life already is the way you want it to be.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes I am.

Relax into this knowing. You’re already doing it. You’re already registering everything unconditionally. You notice everything. You know you exist. You cannot say “I am not.” You know you’re here and that’s all you have to do to simply identify as pure awareness.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes I am now aware and I am now in the flow.


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