Daily Meditation – Do The Inquiry

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Do The Inquiry

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Do The Inquiry (transcript)

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Welcome back to the present moment where all of your power lies, where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about.

Breathe in and feel some enthusiasm for your day.
Breathe out and let yourself relax into this moment.

Everything is perfect and in its place. Let yourself relax into this right now.

Breathe in and slow down.
Breathe out and smile because life is not serious.

Life is just for fun. Allow yourself to get some distance from your thoughts right now.

Breathe in and ask, to whom do these thoughts come?
Breathe out and answer. They come to me.

Who is me? I am. Well, who am I?

Breathe in and investigate. Who am I?
Breathe out and listen for an answer.

There is no answer in words. The answer is just presence, awareness, seeing. No words.

Breathe in and let this help you get that distance.
Breathe out and see how thoughts are just objects passing by your awareness.

They’re not you. They’re not true. You don’t have to go with any of them. Always remember the point is to stop thinking completely.

Breathe in and ask, who am I?
Breathe out and relax into the knowing, I am.

“I am” are the closest words you can get to representing the “I”, the awareness, the pure knowing that I exist.

Breathing in, I
Breathing out, am.

Reject every thought with I am. As you go about your day, just repeat over and over.


to the exclusion of all other thoughts. Drop every other thought about every other thing. And if you find yourself caught up, lost in thought, you just ask, to whom do these thoughts come? To whom do these thoughts arise? And it pulls your attention back into center instantly. And you wake up in the dream. And you can see, life already is the way you want it to be.

Breathing in, I
Breathing out, am

Over and over, all day, with every breath.


It’s a rhythm, it’s the flow of the universe. Get into the on and off, the up and down. See how you’re existing in this duality of yes and no. But you are behind the yes and no. You are the I am.

Breathing in, I.
Breathing out, am.


Let this make you lighter, freer, not focused on your thoughts. Every single time you notice yourself feeling bad, ask yourself to whom did these thoughts come because it’s your thoughts making you feel bad every single time.

Breathing in, I
Breathing out, am

The self-inquiry of asking, to whom do these thoughts come? helps jolt your attention from the thoughts. If you just go straight at it with I am, you’ll cover it up with more thoughts, not even knowing. Do the inquiry. To whom do these thoughts come? They come to me. Well, who is me? I am. Well, who am I? And follow the I back to center. Dissolve it into the infinite. See that you are everything. See that you have no problems when you are identified as I am.

Breathing in, I
Breathing out, am

Remember, the treasure is not outside of you. The treasure is I am. And the more you stay focused on I am, your sense of being, your presence, the more miracles will unfold in your life. And you won’t even care because you already feel good and that’s what you really want—just to feel good. And if you want to feel good, just stop thinking completely. It’s too easy, right?

Breathing in I
Breathing out am



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