Daily Meditation – The Problem Solved Itself!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – The Problem Solved Itself!

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The Problem Solved Itself! (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and say yes to what is.
Breathe out and surrender.

Whatever is, is god. There’s no need to fight against what is. It’s time to relax, say yes, and welcome the moment you are currently in.

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and surrender your preferences.

Yes, you want it to be a certain way. Yes, you want the timing to go a certain way. Yes, you want people to act a certain way. You have all of these preferences. But it’s your preferences that are causing you suffering.

Breathe in and acknowledge your preferences.
Breathe out and let them go!

Yes, I want it to be a certain way. Yes, I want UPS to come back and make this delivery right now. Yes, I want to go see someone in the hospital. Yes, I want someone to call me. Yes, I want to be sure that I wake up at the right time so that I get to this place at the right time. Yes, I want to control what happens.

Breathe in and acknowledge wanting to control.
Breathe out and realize: your control is letting go.

Your thoughts aren’t controlling things. They just make you suffer. Your physical force can control up to a little bit, but not really. The only one in control is god. So you can relax now! God does everything perfectly! You don’t have to worry!

Breathe in and know: it’s all happening in your favor!
Breathe out and trust where you are.

Trust what’s happening. Trust your self. You’re doing everything right. It’s safe to let those preferences go. It’s safe to let go of trying to control.

Breathe in and know you’ve done all that you could.
Breathe out and relax.

Because if you can stop thinking about your problems, they will solve themselves. It’s god. God is in control! Life is in control. Everything is unfolding perfectly. It’s not up to you. You don’t have to control it. You’re innocent. You’re just an innocent little baby. You don’t have to control anything! Let life take care of you for once! You don’t have to be so responsible for everyone else! You can surrender now. It’s safe to let go. It’s safe to trust that god knows what it’s doing.

Breathe in and say yes to what is!
Breathe out and surrender your problems.

Just do a little experiment. For the next 12 hours, don’t try to control anything, especially in your head. And when you worry, it’s trying to control. When you’re overthinking, it’s trying to control. When you’re stressing about time and running the plan over and over in your mind, you’re trying to control. You’ll never think your way to peace. You’ll never think your way out of this problem. You can let go. Let god solve the problem. You are innocent. You’re an innocent little baby. Let god take care of you!

Breathe in and let god take care of you.
Breathe out and surrender.

Let go of trying to control. It’s all happening in your favor. You’ve done everything you could! Relax now. Let god take care of you.

Breathe in and say yes to what is.
Breathe out and say thank you, thank you god! Thank god it all worked out. The problem solved itself!

And in the meantime, while you’re trying to let go of control and things keep coming up that you want to control, all you have to do is ask yourself, “Am I aware? Because when I am aware I have no problems.”

It’s just a question to get your attention to release its grip from problems and rest on its source—god.

Breathe in and ask, am I aware?
Breathe out and feel that feeling of knowing. When you know that answer, that’s the feeling you’re looking for—the certainty, the security, the knowing. Yes, I am aware. And I know when I am aware, I have no problems.

That’s how you can help the people in your life. That’s how you can help yourself. That’s how you can help god solve the problems for you. Just be aware that you are aware, and trust. It’s all in you favor.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes! I am aware! And I am now in the flow!


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