Daily Meditation – Better Than Ever!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Better Than Ever!

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Better Than Ever! (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and step into this moment. Let those thoughts go. Anchor yourself. Wake up, right now!

Breathe in and ask, am I aware?
Breathe out and know the answer.

Feel your attention turn around to look at itself. Am I aware? Yes, I am aware.

Breathe in and say yes to what is!
Breathe out and trust the process of life.

It’s all happening in your favor. We get so caught up in our minds, thinking we’re in problems, that we’re about to get into a problem. Our past experiences make us feel like everything’s about to be a problem. But, before you go into any new segment of your life, you go into the bathroom, you go to work, you go outside—whatever scene change is happening to you, right before you step into the new segment, say to yourself: “Thank god! Thank god that all worked out! Thank god!” Feel the relief that comes when you are grateful and surrendered.

Breathe in and feel your power!
Breathe out and say it: thank god! Thank god!

Thank god that was fun! Thank god that was a good time! Thank god it all worked out and I had nothing to worry about! Thank god!

Breathe in and thank god!
Breathe out and feel the power of gratitude.

Feel the power of trusting god to take care of it. But also, practicing the feeling. Meet it halfway. You feel the feeling of “Yes! Thank you! I got what I wanted!” and then you toss the god in there because you’re surrendering. You’re leaving it up to a higher power. You’re leaving it up to life. You’re leaving it up to pure awareness. Infinite intelligence knows everything. It does everything at the right time. And when you practice the feeling “thank god!” You tell life, “I trust you, thank you, you can do it better than me.” And then it does, every single time.

Breathe in and trust life.
Breathe out and know: it’s better than ever!

Just decide. Decide whatever situation you’re walking into: it’s better than ever! You go into the convenience store? It’s better than ever. You go to friends house? It’s better than ever. You talk to your partner? It’s better than ever!

Breathe in and say thank god!
Breathe out and feel it! Thank god it’s better than ever! Thank god!

The tide has turned! There is no need to stay worried about problems anymore. You have life on your side now. You trust. You know how to do this. You’re an expert at this point.

Breathe in and say, it’s better than ever!
Breathe out and say it and feel it: thank god! It’s better than ever!

Thank god!

Feel this high feeling before needing anything to manifest. This is your power! You can feel the way you want to feel, right now! And then your whole reality changes based on how you feel. You are the creator. You are the source.

Breathe in and know control is letting go.
Breathe out and say thank god! It’s better than ever! Thank god! It’s better than ever!


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