Daily Meditation – When You Are Aware, You Have No Problems

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – When You Are Aware, You Have…

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When You Are Aware, You Have No Problems (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Let your thoughts go.

Breathe in and relax your body.
Breathe out and surrender.

Let those thoughts go. You don’t have to think about that ever again.

Breathe in and say, “I’ve decided to feel good about that! It’s working itself out!”
Breathe out and really surrender.

Let go of whatever you’re thinking about, so that you can step into this present moment where all of your power lies, where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about.

Breathe in and be here now.
Breathe out and surrender.

Any time you notice yourself feeling stressed, or any negative emotion or bored, or you’re noticing your thoughts and you think something that’s stressful, say to yourself, “Well, am I aware?”

Breathing in, well, am I aware?
Breathing out, well, am I aware?

Any time you have a thought like this, like, “I wonder what that person thought about what I said.” Or, “I wonder how this is going to go.” Anything where you feel doubt or uncertainty, ask yourself, “Well, am I aware?” Because when you are aware you have no problems. So if you are noticing a problem form, or you’re thinking about a problem, just ask yourself, “Well, am I aware?”

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, am I aware?

You have to genuinely ask and really listen for the answer. You can’t just think about things and ask the question on the side. It has to receive all of your focus. This is how you turn your mind in around to look at itself. This is how you dissolve your personhood into the infinite. The is is how you remember your wholeness, when you become the unconditional love that you know you are. It’s just buried under thoughts.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes! I am aware!

When you are aware, you have no problems. When you are aware that you are aware, you have no problems because you’re not thinking. You’re just being. And you can only have problems if you’re thinking. You can only have problems if you’re judging things as good or bad. But when you are aware, your’e just watching. You’re just accepting. You’re noticing. And you’re witnessing the perfection of the unfolding.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes! I am aware!

Let this question pull you into the present moment, wake you up in the dream. Allow yourself to just be here, happy to be you in your body no matter what’s happening, just happy to get this chance to be physical!

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes! I am aware!

When you are aware, you have no problems. Any time you notice a painful thought, a stressful situation, a problem forming—“Well, am I aware?” Because when I am aware, I have no problems.

Breathe in and ask, am I aware?
Breathe out and feel yourself wake up in the dream. Yes, I am aware.

I’m aware. You don’t have to be aware of anything. You’re just aware that you are aware. You’re aware that you exist. You’re aware that you know what’s going on.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes! I am aware!

Rest in this awareness. This awareness is god. God is just the knowing. God is just the awareness. It just is what is here now. And that’s you! All the rest is just an illusion.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes! I am aware!

And now that I am aware, I have no problems.


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