Daily Meditation – It’s Just An Average!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – It’s Just An Average!

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It’s Just An Average! (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Welcome back to the present moment, where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about!

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and let your thoughts go!

Enter the present moment with me! It’s me, Jessica!

Breathe in and lighten up!
Breathe out and just laugh! Life is just for fun!

(Have you seen that movie?)

Breathing in, I love myself!
Breathing out, life is just for fun!

Anyway, did you know that life is just an average? What we input into our brains is stored. Each thing you give your attention to, and then all of those things you give your attention to, are averaged. And then what you see—everything you then put your attention on again—is an average, of the other things in the past that you’ve put your attention on. So you know what that means! It’s time to be more deliberate about what you put your attention on!

Breathe in and decide to be more deliberate!
Breathe out and laugh because it’s just an average!

That gives you so much control! You control the inputs to the output that is your reality. The input is solely based on what you give your attention to! It’s just an average!

Breathe in and decide to have fun with this!
Breathe out and just enjoy life. It’s just an average. And it’s up to you to choose what you put your attention on!

What you look at expands, because the output of reality is just an average of what you have inputted with your attention! It could be no other way! You’re the creator!

Breathe in and feel your power as the creator!
Breathe out and and let yourself laugh, because life is just for fun and you have more control and power than you ever suspected!

Breathing in I know I’m breathing in!
Breathing out I know I’m breathing out!

That’s the technique to use so that you’re not putting your attention on resistant thoughts. Just keep it on your breath. You want an average of breath right? If you keep your attention on breath, that means it’s going to get into that average that’s outputted in your reality. And if you’re seeing evidence of breath, that’s good! That means it’s life! That means when you’re focused on your breath, you’re creating life! (Or allowing it! Either way!)

Breathing in I know I’m breathing in!
Breathing out I know I”m breathing out!

So then, when you’re placing your attention on media, scrolling, people, ideas maybe that you’re reading, it’s just an average! Say that to yourself over and over and over no matter what you’re looking at. If you’re not going within, focused on your breath, say to yourself—make this your mental code—it’s just an average!

Im looking at a hat with swordfish on it. Do I want more hats with swordfish? Or do I want more hats and swordfish? I guess so, yes! It’s just an average!

Breathe in and feel so excited about life! It’s just an average!
Breathe out and have fun with your math project today!

Breathing in, I love myself!
Breathing out, it’s just an average!


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