Daily Meditation – Move Through Life Triumphantly

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Move Through Life Triumphantly

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Move Through Life Triumphantly (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Let your body relax.

Breathe in and feel your thoughts slowing down.
Breathe out and relax your body.

You’re in the right place at the right time. You’re doing everything right. Let yourself relax into this moment. Let yourself rejoin the perspective of love.

Breathe in and say, “I love myself!”
Breathe out and say, “I love myself!”

Breathing in I love myself!
Breathing out I love myself!

You’ve been through a lot. Today, it’s time to forgive yourself, move on, and steer your life in the direction you want to go!

Breathe in and say, “I forgive myself!”
Breathe out and say, “I love myself!”

Breathing in I love myself!
Breathing out I forgive myself!

I forgive myself for going unconscious. I forgive myself for beating myself up. I forgive myself for being too hard on myself. I forgive myself for not following through. I forgive myself for not acting with love more.

Breathing in I love myself!
Breathing out I forgive myself!

Now, we’re going to steer our lives in the direction we want to go! What is the direction you want to go?

Breathe in and think about where you want to go.
Breathe out and really imagine it: what is the direction you want to go in?

I want to go in the direction of success. I want to move through life triumphantly! Where do you want to go?

Breathe in and commit to moving through life triumphantly!
Breathe out and commit, right now: I commit to moving through life triumphantly! I am steering my life in the direction I want to go!

Breathe in and set those intentions.
Breathe out and know it is done!

When you set an intention, it’s a purposeful moving of energy. You don’t have to do anything or take any action. All you have to do is set the intention and life will conspire to help you.

Breathing in I intend to steer my life in the direction I want to go!
Breathing out I intend to move through life triumphantly!

That’s all you have to say. And success is yours!

Breathe in and feel successful!
Breathe out and remember: thank you is the vibration of success.

So to cement this intention, jus remember to say thank you. Use thank you as your mental code, as we enter into this new time, new season, new era, new paradigm, new dimension!

Breathe in and commit to moving through life triumphantly!
Breathe out and say thank you because thank you is the vibration of success!

Thank you! Thank you for helping me move through life triumphantly! Thank you for helping me steer my life in the direction I want to go! Thank you for the abundance! Thank you for the success!

Breathe in and be successful!
Breathe out and say thank you for the success!


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