Daily Meditation – It’s Ok to Feel That Way!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – It’s Ok to Feel That Way!

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It’s Ok to Feel That Way! (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your shoulders.

Breathe in and be here now.
Breathe out and let go of your worries.

In this moment, you have a choice to feel good, to be here now, to let go of those thoughts. Decide right now, to let go and start feeling better!

Breathe in and smile because life isn’t serious!
Breathe out and relax your body.

The best thing you can do for yourself is slow down. Slow it all down. Slow your mind down. Slow your body down. Let your mind start vibrating at the rate of your body. Let it enter the speed of your body.

Breathe in and feel your mind slowing down.
Breathe out and feel your heart rate slowing down.

Breathe in and relax your mind.
Breathe out and relax your body.

Breathe in and just be here now.
Breathe out and remember: This is the main event!

This moment is the only thing that’s real. This moment is the heaven you’ve been searching for.

Breathe in and lift yourself up! You are the creator!
Breathe out and start feeling relieved!

However you’re feeling right now, it’s ok. There is no pressure to feel better. It’s just a choice. And if you let yourself feel the way you feel, it’ll get so much easier to feel better.

Breathe in and ask yourself, “How do I feel?”
Breathe out and listen for the answer.

Right now, I feel relaxed and relieved, but I didn’t feel that way earlier today. I felt sick and stressed and depressed and anxious. But I said to myself, “It’s ok. It’s ok to feel the way I’m feeling.” And then I took a nap and I woke up feeling better.

Breathe in and say, “It’s ok!” about whatever you’re feeling.
Breathe out and let go of however you’re feeling.

When you’re ok with how you feel, then that feeling can pass right through you. Feelings aren’t meant to stay with us forever. They’re only supposed to pass through us in a matter of seconds.

Breathe in and feel how you’re feeling.
Breathe out and say, “It’s ok!”

It’s ok to feel that way. I don’t have to feel any other way. There’s no pressure to feel any other way. It’s ok to feel that way. It’s ok!

Breathe in and know: It’s ok to feel that way!
Breathe out and start feeling better because that feeling’s going to pass through you now!

Just let it be ok. You don’t have to escape it. You don’t have to numb it. You don’t have to hide from it. But if it’s really unbearable, just take a nap. But just say, “It’s ok!” first.

It’s ok to feel that way. It’s ok!

Breathe in and be ok with how you feel.
Breathe out and just look at your emotions like thoughts passing through. They don’t define you. They don’t mean anything about who you are. They’re just indicators. They’re just letting you know if your thoughts are in alignment or not. They’re just letting you know. They’re just giving you data.

Breathe in and be grateful for the data.
Breathe out and just say, “It’s ok!”

It’s ok to feel that way. However you’re feeling, it’s ok.

Breathe in and know this moment is the main event.
Breathe out and relax.

Even if you don’t feel good in this moment, it’s ok. Just because you don’t feel good right now, doesn’t mean you won’t start feeling better. Your power is right here, right now. And any time you feel less than good, just say, “It’s ok!” It’s ok to feel that way. It’s ok to feel sick. It’s ok to feel depressed. It’s ok to feel anxious or angry. It’s ok to feel jealous or impatient. It’s ok!

Breathe in and feel it passing through you already.
Breathe out and let it go now.

That emotion gave you some information. You can thank it and let it move on. Just like how Marie Kondo wants you to say thank you to the items you’re throwing out, say thank you to that emotion.

Breathe in and know it’s ok.
Breathe out and let it pass through you.

You feel better already. You’re on your way to feeling amazing. Once you let things go through you, you’re free to return to your natural state of feeling good, being in the flow, having fun, and feeling in love with life. All of that is natural. But the emotions are natural too. And if you just say, “It’s ok to feel like that.” you let them pass through you naturally.

Breathe in and say, “It’s ok!”
Breathe out and say thank you. It’s ok!

Life loves you so much. We’re all so glad you’re here. Even when life feels hard, it’s ok. And it’s worth it to get through that emotion,. Because the other side of that emotion feels so good and you’ll be so proud of yourself that you stuck it out. That you just let it pass through you and now you’re stronger and more ready to deal with your life and enjoy your life.

Breathe in and say yes!
Breathe out and say thank you!


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