Daily Meditation – Do You Believe Your Thoughts Create Your Reality?

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Do You Believe Your Thoughts Create…

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Do You Believe Your Thoughts Create Your Reality? (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and let your thoughts go!

This is the right time and the right place! You can trust the process of life, and relax into right now.

Breathe in and wake up in the dream!
Breathe out and step into the Now!

In the present moment, there’s nothing to worry about and everything is fun.

Breathe in and lighten up! It’s not serious!
Breathe out and let go of striving.

Today is the last day you ever have to strive for success or money!

Breathe in and stand up to your striving, achieving mind!
Breathe out and know you are already perfect!

You are already whole. You are already complete. Next time you catch yourself striving, decide to relax instead. Why do we strive? For me, I am constantly striving for income. Money, financial validation. I want to make my parents proud! But what do I really strive for money for? It’s because I want to be relaxed. Once I make my money, then I can relax and enjoy my life. But what if I relaxed and enjoyed my life first?

Breathe in and decide to become it!
Breathe out and know that you will see it!

You must become it to see it. And of course, to become a match to this financial success, I only have to relax. I have to enter the state that I think I’ll be in when I get what I want.

Breathe in and relax your body.
Breathe out and relax your mind.

You can choose to relax and enjoy your life, right now. And then you won’t need money to come and give you permission to relax and enjoy your life. Ask yourself, “What do I strive for? What do I want all of this income for? What is the feeling I’ll get when I get there?”

Breathe in and choose to feel that feeling now!
Breathe out and let go of your striving!

If relaxation is what we’re all ultimately striving for, we can get there now. We can choose to relax now. We can meditate and take hot baths and drink hot tea and do whatever else is relaxing. So many other relaxing things are available to us.

Breathe in and decide to relax today!
Breathe out and trust in the power of your mind. Trust in the power of your vibration. Do you believe your thoughts create your reality? Do you believe you must become to see it? If you do, decide today to relax first, and then the things that you think you need to relax will come!

Breathe in and stand up to striving!
Breathe out and relax!

Everything is perfect and in its place. It’s safe to relax now. It’s safe to enjoy your life.

Breathe in and say yes!
Breathe out and say thank you!


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