Daily Meditation – Life Unfolds Perfectly

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Life Unfolds Perfectly

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Life Unfolds Perfectly (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Presence is the point! Presence is why we’re here, meditating. Presence is the goal.

Breathe in and be here now.
Breathe out and let your thoughts go.

There’s nothing to manifest. There’s nothing to change. If you can make your goal just being present, what you want will come to you. You don’t have to think about it. You don’t have to make a vision board (unless that’s fun for you). You don’t have to do anything. And the instant that you become present, and forget all of your worldly cares, what you want will come. You’ll get the text. You’ll get the email. You’ll get the deposit. You’ll get the good news. You’ll get what you’ve been waiting for.

Breathe in and be here now.
Breathe out and remember: This is It!

This moment is the main event. This moment is why we’re here. We’re not here for the future, because the future never comes. We’re not here for the past; it’s just a story.

Breathe in and be here now.
Breathe out and let those thoughts go.

You don’t have to stop thinking. Just let each thought go as it comes.

Notice a thought, let it go. Notice a thought, let it go.

Breathe in and step into this moment.
Breathe out and feel better already!

Today, you are a match to heaven. Today, you are a match to the flow of well being.

Breathe in and feel the flow of well being come into you.
Breathe out and know it’s always been there.

The flow is always there. The love is always there. Only your thoughts cloud it all up.

Breathe in and be present.
Breathe out and see the clouds clearing.

Breathe in and lighten up! You’re safe here.
Breathe out and let those thoughts go.

Presence is the point. This moment is the main event. This moment is what you came to life to experience!

Breathe in and be here now!
Breathe out and smile, because presence is your goal and it’s easy to get here.

When you’re present, the things you want come to you. Life unfolds perfectly. You’re not blocking the flow of well being with your thoughts. Only your thoughts can make you feel bad. Only your thoughts can block the flow.

Everything is constantly working out for you. Everything is constantly happening in your favor.

Breathe in and say yes!
Breathe out and say thank you!

Thank you! Thank you! There are so many techniques for being present. You can remind yourself with, “This is It! This is It!” Or you can say, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Or the easiest thing you can do is just follow you breath.



Close your eyes right now. Breathe through your nose if you can. And feel your breath going in and out. Feel where it touches one single point on your nostril. Place all of your focus right there while you just think,







Practice doing that for 15 minutes, and you will feel so blissful. You’ll feel like you’re back in the womb! You’ll feel like you’re in heaven.

Breathe in and open up to receiving.
Breathe out and just say thank you for this moment.

If you can get here—if you can be present, just for a moment—what you want will come. Let that be your motivation for being here. But once you get here you’ll see, life already is the way you want it to be! And you don’t need a single thing to change.

Breathe in and say yes!
Breathe out and thank you!

Thank you!


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