Daily Meditation – Feel Your Power Returning

Daily Meditation – Feel Your Power Returning

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Feel Your Power Returning (transcript)

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Relax your body.

Breathe in and step into this moment.
Breathe out and let those thoughts go.

You’re in the right place at the right time. You’re doing everything right.

Breathe in and trust the process of life.
Breathe out and let yourself relax into the totality.

Let yourself become one with all that is. Remember you already are one with all that is.

Breathe in and ask, “Am I aware?”
Breathe out and recognize the answer. “Yes, I am aware.”

And when I am aware, I have no problems. My mind isn’t agitated so I’m at peace. I don’t notice any lack so I’m happy and I’m not separate from anyone or anything so I am love itself.

Breathe in and remember you are the source.
Breathe out and feel your power returning.

Only your thoughts cut off the power. Only your thoughts make you feel bad. What’s wrong with right now if you don’t think about it?

Breathe in and remember your power.
Breathe out and remember who you are: god in human form.

You are the presence of god.

Breathe in and ask, “Am I aware?”
Breathe out and recognize the answer. “Yes, I am aware.”

Remember that resting as pure awareness is supposed to be better than getting anything that you want. When you rest as pure awareness, you remember you already are one with god. There’s nothing to get, nowhere to go. You already are it all.

Breathe in and ask, “Am I aware?”
Breathe out and relax into the knowing, “Yes, I am aware.”

The placeless place that watches the thoughts, that contains the thoughts—that’s what you’re looking for. The presence, the being—that’s the oneness with god. All the things you want, you want because you want oneness with god. Oneness with god is love. You want everything because you want love, but you already are love.

Breathe in and drop the thoughts separating you.
Breathe out and remind yourself: This presence, this thing I already am, is what I’m looking for when I want health and money and relationships, manifestations, things.

This presence of god is what I’m looking for when I want a text, an email, when I want something to go my way.

Breathe in and remember you already have it.
Breathe out and remind yourself: “What I want is already right here.”

This right here is better than receiving any physical manifestation. This right here, right now, is supposed to be better. And if I can catch that recognition that I am pure awareness, I see right away life already is the way I want it to be.

Breathe in and stop looking to manifestations to feel good.
Breathe out and stop mixing with reality.

Stop looking to physical reality for satisfaction. You’re never going to get it because it comes and goes. If you’re looking to the world to make you feel loved, you’re never going to get it. It’s going to come and go and come and go and you’ll be tossed around by the ups and downs. The only stability and security is presence and you can have that right now. You’re already doing it.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes, I am that recognition.

The flicker of awareness between asking the question and knowing the answer—stay there. That’s what’s better than love with another person. That’s what’s better than health in the body. That’s what’s better than receiving money or a house or a car, or whatever it is that you want. The flicker of awareness between asking, am I aware? and recognizing, yes I am. That’s what you’re looking for. That’s the presence of god. Merge with that. Stay there. And then you won’t need anything to change and the things you want will come to you. You’ll get attached and mixed with experience again…

Breathe in and ask, am I aware?
Breathe out and know: yes I am.

Stay in the recognition of presence, of being. That’s what you’re looking for when you want things. Life already is the way you want it to be. You already have what you want. Get a break from the thoughts and recognize you already have what you want. This is it.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes I am.

This awareness is better than receiving any manifestation because this awareness is god. I’m already doing it. I’m already free.


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