Daily Meditation – Knowing Knowing

Daily Meditation – Knowing Knowing

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Knowing Knowing (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Welcome back to the present moment where all of your power lies.

Breathe in and say thank you and really feel it.
Breathe out and say thank you and really feel it.

Remember your super power of gratitude. You become it and then you see it. So if you want things to be grateful for, start feeling thankful right now.

Breathing in, thank you.
Breathing out, thank you, thank you.

Everything that’s happening is happening in your favor. You can write down everything you think that’s happening against you, write the date and come back and check it in a few days and you’ll see: It did happen in my favor. It did work out for the best. It turns out that was a good thing.

Breathe in and see how it’s all happening in your favor.
Breathe out and say thank you, thank you, thank you.

Even before you know that it’s in your favor, before you know that it is a good thing, you say thank you first. You become it, then you see it and then you receive exactly what you want.

Breathing in, thank you.
Breathing out, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Let yourself relax into this moment. Let yourself release the tension, the stress. It’s all just thoughts. The suffering is just psychological. And your mind is not you. You are the knowing of the mind. You are the awareness of the mind.

Breathe in and expand to be the awareness that holds it.
Breathe out and know: you’re already doing it.

You’re already being aware of being aware. You’re already god. You’re already one with all that is.

Breathe in and ask, am I aware?
Breathe out and notice, yes I am.

This is how you reunite with god. Pure awareness, infinite intelligence, life, magick, whatever you want to call it. Consciousness, love.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes I am.

Another way to look at this is, awareness is knowing. All there is to everything is the knowing of it. There is only knowing, knowing, knowing. That’s all reality is, is knowing. You can call it awareness or god or consciousness. Knowing is just another word that can help your logical mind understand and believe in this practice so that you can feel brave enough to let go of the thoughts and trust the process of life.

Breathe in and see how you’re already doing it.
Breathe out and notice right now: I’m already doing it.

What am I already doing? Being aware or being conscious or knowing. You can’t stop knowing. And sometimes when the words awareness or consciousness lose their flavor, you can try knowing. I’m already doing it, knowing. It’s simple. You’re knowing before you’re thinking. You’re knowing before you’re acting. You’re knowing before anything else. You are knowing itself.

Breathing in, I’m already doing it.
Breathing out, I’m already doing it.

Knowing, I already know. I’m already knowing. Rest in the knowing. Sometimes it’s challenging to catch that recognition if your thoughts are talking back. But just try different routes, different techniques to jolt yourself into presence, to remember: It’s all one. Reality is one. It’s all god. There is no separation. And however you get there, it doesn’t matter because you’re already there.

Breathing in, I’m already doing it.
Breathing out, what am I already doing?

I’m already knowing. I’m already doing it, knowing. I am already doing the knowing. I am already knowing.

Breathing in, I’m already doing it.
Breathing out, I’m already doing it.

Knowing, I can’t stop knowing. And when I rest as the knowing itself, there is no more psychological suffering. There is no more separation. And life already is the way I want it to be.

Breathe in and notice, I’m already doing it.
Breathe out and rest in the knowing that you are knowing, knowing.


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