Daily Meditation – How to Live a Magickal Life

Daily Meditation – How to Live a Magickal Life

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How to Live a Magickal Life (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Welcome back to the present moment, where all of your power lies.

Breathe in and open up to receiving.
Breathe out and say, “Thank you, thank you.”

This is your power to flip the switch right this second. Choose a good attitude and then a good day will flow to you.

Breathe in and say, “Thank you.”
Breathe out and say, “Thank you” and really feel it in your heart.

Thank you. Thank you. I know it’s in my favor. Thank you.

Breathe in and lighten up. It’s really not serious.
Breathe out and let yourself slow down.

The more you let go, the more it flows. Decide right now to let go of whatever thoughts you’re attached to and relax into the present moment where all of your power lies.

Breathe in and let yourself be here now.
Breathe out and slow down. Let your thoughts slow down.

You don’t have to go with those thoughts. If you let yourself wake up in the dream, stabilize as you are, pure awareness, everything will start working out for you. The things you want to change will change themselves. It always comes when you relax and you relax by surrendering the thoughts and just being here now.

Breathe in and just be here now.
Breathe out and surrender the thoughts.

You can ask yourself, “Am I aware?” to notice what thoughts you’re gripping onto, to notice where your attention is seeking. When you ask, “Am I aware?” it brings your attention back to its source, back to the awareness that makes up everything. And it drops the thoughts. It drops the attachment. It drops the worry.

Breathing in, “Am I aware?”
Breathing out, “Yes, I am aware.”

Train yourself to ask this question when you notice yourself worrying, when you notice yourself lost in thought, trying to fix something or solve something. You’ll never figure it out. If you want your life to work out, drop the thoughts and let yourself enjoy the moment just as it is without anything having to change.

Breathing in, “Am I aware?”
Breathing out, “Yes, I am.”

You really do have the power to make your life start flowing the way you want by surrendering the thoughts, surrendering the thoughts like, “I wish this would change right now. I just need this person to do this and then I’ll be happy. I’m waiting for this to happen and then I can do this, this and this.” All of this calculating and planning and waiting for things to change so that you can feel better—it’s holding you outside of bliss. It’s holding you outside of your power. It’s your mind, your thoughts, keeping your natural state of peace and love and joy and happiness away from you. They’re right there. They’re you, but the thoughts cover them up and you can surrender the thoughts and let it all work out by asking, “Am I aware?”

Breathing in, “Am I aware?”
Breathing out, “Yes, I am.”

You stay in that place between asking, “Am I aware?” and answering, “Yes, I am.” “Am I aware?” is a thought and “Yes, I am” is a thought. Between those two thoughts is presence, knowing, pure awareness. That’s where you can stay. And when you stay there and stop waiting for change, things start changing for you.

Breathe in and let the things change for you.
Breathe out and keep surrendering the thoughts as they come, because they will keep coming.

You can’t stop the thoughts. Now, if you want to stay resting in that space between, “Am I aware?” and “Yes, I am,” try saying to yourself,
“Thank you, god, for replacing me with you. Thank you, god, for replacing me with you.” And if you don’t like god, say, “Thank you, life, for replacing me with you. Thank you, universal intelligence, for replacing me with you. Thank you, magick, for replacing me with you.”

The idea is that you surrender the thoughts and you acknowledge there is a power greater than your mind that can act on your behalf.

Repeating, “Thank you, god, for replacing me with you” helps me stay in that space between, “Am I aware?” and “Yes, I am.”

“Thank you, god, for replacing me with you.” It keeps me anchored in the present moment. Just here, just happy to be.

Breathe in and let yourself be replaced by god.
Breathe out and let those thoughts be replaced by god.

Practicing the presence of god is how you live a magickal life. You have the power to do it right now.

Breathing in, “Am I aware?”
Breathing out, “Yes, I am.”

Thank you, thank you, god, for replacing me with you.


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