Daily Meditation – You Will Be Rewarded

Daily Meditation – You Will Be Rewarded

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You Will Be Rewarded (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Relax your body.

Breathe in and smile because it always helps you feel better. Breathe out and feel lighter already.

This is the best day of your life. No matter what happens, it’s the best day of your life because you exist. You are present. You are
unconditional love itself, and today you get to experience it.

Breathe in and ask, “Am I aware?”
Breathe out and notice the answer. Yes, I am aware.

And when I am aware, I have no problems because when I am aware, my attention is resting on its source, god, life, universal intelligence. My attention isn’t seeking, wondering, lost in thought. And when I am aware and my attention is at rest, my mind isn’t agitated. There is no mind. There are no thoughts, so I am at peace, and when I am aware, I am happy because I don’t notice any lack, and when I am aware, I am unconditional love because I am not separate from anything. I am identified as the pure awareness in which everything arises and pure awareness does not discriminate. Pure awareness allows everything to arise unconditionally. That’s why it is unconditional love because it allows everything.

Breathe in and ask, “Am I aware?”
Breathe out and notice your attention right away relaxing onto itself, resting on its source, at peace, happy, in love.

This is how you have the best day of your life, by not giving a fuck about what’s going on in the physical illusory world and instead placing all of your attention, all of your care, your determination on staying as you are, pure awareness.

Breathe in and be divinely determined to stay as you are.
Breathe out and know you will be rewarded so greatly, so handsomely.

The reward is feeling love and that’s all we want everything we want for, to ultimately feel love. You can cut through all the middlemen, all the bullshit by resting your attention on itself and then you don’t need anything to change and life will bring you exactly what you want.

Breathe in and ask, “Am I aware?”
Breathe out and feel so excited for your day.

You are aware. You know how to do this. You know how to find relief from the torture of thoughts. You know how to find relief from the worry, from the overthinking, from the stress. All suffering is psychological. Yes, you might experience pain but you don’t have to suffer because suffering comes from thinking and when you are aware you are not thinking and you are not suffering.

Breathe in and be aware that you are aware.
Breathe out and be free from suffering today.

You don’t have to go with the thoughts, not a single one of them. You don’t have to believe a single one of your thoughts. None of them are important, none of them are required. If you want to have the best day of your life, stay as you are, pure awareness, by simply asking:

Breathing in, “Am I aware?”
Breathing out, “Yes, I am.”

Trust this question. Trust that it will work for you. Trust that the more you stay as you are, resting as pure awareness, the more miraculous your life will be. The more in love you will feel and everything will be perfect and in its place. It already is. You’re already aware.

Breathing in, “Am I aware?”
Breathing out, “Yes, I am aware and I am now in the flow.”


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