Daily Meditation – Let It Be

Daily Meditation – Let It Be

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Let It Be (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Welcome back to the present moment where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about.

Breathe in and welcome what is.
Breathe out and say yes to what is.

Yes, I feel rushed. Yes, I feel uneasy. Yes, I feel like I’m getting in my own way. Yes, I am resisting. Yes, I am seeking. Yes, I am judging. Yes, I feel like I can’t be holy and stable and pure awareness until I change things about myself.

Breathe in and be the awareness that sees all of that.
Breathe out and surrender.

Let it be, including yourself. Let it be.

Breathe in and stop trying to control.
Breathe out and stop trying to control—even yourself.

You might be holding back, waiting for yourself to change some habit, to get better at something, to stop doing something before you let yourself practice the presence of god or feel like you deserve to feel good and have a good life. But when you simply identify as pure awareness, none of that stuff matters. None of your actions matter. It’s not you doing it. It’s the one. You can just observe. You can embrace and accept it all. You can let it all arise unconditionally just like the pure awareness it’s arising in.

Breathe in and let it all arise unconditionally.
Breathe out and apply this even to yourself.

In our presence practice, in our awareness practice, we try so hard to be accepting and loving of all that happens. To go with the flow, roll with the punches, say yes and thank you to everything that happens. But then we beat ourselves up for not acting the way we think we need to act, which is just conditioning.

Breathe in and be grateful for where you are.
Breathe out and say yes and thank you for the things you’re doing you don’t like.

It’s all the same. It’s not you. You’re not your body. You’re not your thoughts. You’re not your actions. You’re not your words.

Breathe in and be pure awareness.
Breathe out and let it all arise, even you.

We can get so good at unconditionally loving reality, embracing and accepting it all, but when it comes to ourselves, to our individual perspectives, we don’t give ourselves the same grace. Today, give yourself the grace of the same love and acceptance that you give to the people in your life, to the circumstances you can’t control. You are also a circumstance you can’t control. So embrace it. Love it the way it is. Stop beating it up so hard. It doesn’t help.

Breathe in and let it be.
Breathe out and let it be.

Let yourself be. Whatever you want, let it be. Whatever you think. Let it be. Whatever you react. Let it be. Stop fighting yourself. You deserve grace just as much as reality, just as much as other people.

Breathe in and say yes to yourself.
Breathe out and let yourself be.

Let it be is your homework for the day. Let it be is your mantra. Let it be is the only technique. Stop trying to change yourself before you let yourself feel the presence of god.

Breathe in and let it be.
Breathe out and bask in the presence of god.

You deserve it. You are it. Quit holding yourself out of it.

Breathe in and let it be.
Breathe out and let it be.

This is the love you’re looking for. This is the love that you try to change yourself so you can receive it. But the love is here. The love is already here. Let it be.

Breathe in and let it be.
Breathe out and let yourself be in love.


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