Daily Meditation – Nothing Can Go Wrong

Daily Meditation – Nothing Can Go Wrong

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Nothing Can Go Wrong (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Relax your body.

Breathe in and open up to receiving.
Breathe out and say, “I don’t give a fuck.”

Remember the power of not caring. Whatever happens, you don’t mind.

Breathe in and say, “I don’t give a fuck.”
Breathe out and really feel it. “I don’t give a fuck.”

It’s not going to matter in five years. It’s not going to matter in one year. It probably won’t matter in one week. Today, allow yourself to stop caring about all the little worries and let go. Just let yourself be here now, enjoying what you already have made for yourself.

Breathe in and say, “Yes to what is.”
Breathe out and welcome what is.

If you can’t just say, “I don’t give a fuck,” and let it go, welcome what is first. Yes, I’m stressed out about this person. Yes, I’m in a middle of a conflict. Yes, I’m worried about my safety. Yes, I am stressed about my home. Yes, I am worried about what’s going to happen. Yes, I am running over the possibilities over and over. Yes, I am stressed. Yes, I am mad. Yes, I am holding on to some things and resisting some things. Yes, I am seeking. Yes, I am mixed with experience. Yes, I am letting the world affect me.

Breathe in and notice where you’re letting the world affect you.
Breathe out and accept it.

You’re letting the world affect you. Your mood is being swayed by the comings and goings, the ups and downs, the gains and losses.

Breathe in and say yes to being affected.
Breathe out and get some distance.

Once you see that you’re too mixed with experience, that you’re too affected by the ups and downs, then you can get some space. Surrender to the ups and downs. Rest as you are, pure awareness, then the ups and downs won’t affect you so much.

Breathe in and connect to the only up that really matters.
And breathe out and connect to your source right now.

If you’re connected to god, if you’re practicing the presence of god, nothing can go wrong. Nothing is a down. It’s all love. It’s all god. It’s all happening in your favor.

Breathe in and practice the presence of god.
Breathe out and know this presence, this moment, your awareness of awareness, is the presence of god.

Breathe in and feel the presence of god.
Breathe out and be the presence of god.

It’s all god. You don’t have to be afraid of anything. You are not your body. You are not your possessions. You are not your reputation. None of that belongs to you. You are simply the watcher, the pure awareness. And when you remember that you can’t hold on to anything and it’s all going to go, then you can reconnect to the only thing that provides lasting stability, happiness, love, and peace.

Breathe in and practice the presence of god right now.
Breathe out and ask, “Am I aware?”

Notice what happens when you ask, “Am I aware?” Your attention stops running over all of the problems, the schedule, the worries, and it rests. It turns around and rests on itself, just being here, aware that it’s aware.

Breathing in, “Am I aware?”
Breathing out, “Yes, I am.”

Ask yourself this question to stabilize as you are, to stabilize in the presence of god. And if you’re still too dragged around by the ups and downs, ask yourself, “Who am I who is so dragged around and affected? Who am I who is so affected?” And investigate that question.

Breathe in and investigate. Who are you?
And breathe out and really look, “Who am I who is so affected?”

Just a memory of yourself, just an image of yourself. None of that is real. When you ask questions like, “Am I aware?” or, “Who am I?” You place your attention on your source and who you really are. God, pure awareness. You are safe when you practice this presence of god. You are safe when you ask these questions. Today, make some safety for yourself.

Breathe in and ask, “Am I aware?”
Breathe out and know: Yes, I am aware. And when I am aware, I have no problems. My mind is not agitated. I experience no separation from those I love and I notice no lack, so I am happy.

Breathe in and ask, “Who am I?”
Breathe out and know, “I am the presence of god.”


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