Daily Meditation – Practice the Feeling of Not Caring

Daily Meditation – Practice the Feeling of Not Caring

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Practice the Feeling of Not Caring (transcript)

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Relax your body.

Breathe in and open up to receiving.
Breathe out and surrender.

Surrender your thoughts. Surrender your to-do list. Surrender it all with “I don’t give a fuck.”

Breathe in and say “I don’t give a fuck.”
Breathe out and say “I don’t give a fuck.”

This is your manifesting power. You have strong desires. You have things you really want. But today, train yourself to not give a fuck what happens. The more you care what happens out in the world, the more affected you are by the comings and goings and you get tossed around by the waves of good and bad. But if you don’t give a fuck about the good or the bad, you can stay firmly in your center, relaxed, at peace, at ease, feeling good regardless of your circumstances.

Breathe in and don’t give a fuck today.
Breathe out and say “I don’t give a fuck.”

I don’t give a fuck if this video is good. I don’t give a fuck if my friend calls me today. I don’t give a fuck if I get this deck published on time. I don’t give a fuck if I post my live video on time. I don’t give a fuck if I call my mom and handle these accounts. I don’t give a fuck what I eat for lunch. I don’t give a fuck.

Breathe in and list all those things you don’t give a fuck about.
Breathe out and practice the feeling of not caring.

It really doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t matter if I get these phone calls done today. It really doesn’t matter if my friend calls me today. None of it really matters.

Breathe in and notice what does matter.
Breathe out and be that now.

It’s presence. That’s the only thing that matters. That’s the only thing that actually makes you feel good and whole and complete and in love.

Breathe in and notice you can be present no matter what.
Breathe out and notice how you’re doing it right now already.

You’re already present. You’re already right here. This is it. This is the goal. You’re here. All those other things on your list. All those other conditions your mind is making—you don’t give a fuck.

Breathe in and don’t give a fuck today.
Breathe out and say it to each and every thought pressing you.

I don’t give a fuck what happens. I don’t give a fuck if I get the things done on my list. I don’t give a fuck what people think about me. I don’t give a fuck if I lose it all. I don’t give a fuck if I never speak to her again. I don’t give a fuck.

Breathe in and get some distance between you and your experience.
Breathe out and be the watcher.

Just watch. Ask yourself, “Am I aware?” and stay as you are aware of awareness.

Breathing in, “Am I aware?”
Breathing out, “Yes, I’m already doing it.”

Today as you go about your day when things start bothering you remember you don’t give a fuck and then stay as you are, pure awareness, by asking, “Am I aware?”

Breathe in and shake off the thoughts.
Breathe out and don’t give a fuck about those thoughts torturing you.

It’s an illusion. It’s not who you really are. You don’t have to be so affected by the ups and downs. Today stabilize as you are pure awareness, present, the only place that matters: here.

Breathe in and know you can be happy no matter what happens.
Breathe out and choose to be happy no matter what happens.

Say, “I don’t give a fuck” to all those thoughts and stay as you are—pure awareness—by asking, “Am I aware?”

Am I aware? Yes, I am aware and I am now in the flow.


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