Daily Meditation – Break Free

Daily Meditation – Break Free

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Break Free (transcript)

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Relax your body.

Breathe in and open to receiving.
Breathe out and ask, who am I who is receiving?

Today as you go about your day, whenever things get overwhelming or you really want to try to control something, ask yourself, who am I who wants to control this? and then really look for that answer.

Breathe in and keep opening up.
Breathe out and say, thank you, thank you, thank you.

You are the source of your experience. You can choose right now to become what you want to see by intentionally feeling the feeling of gratitude.

Breathing in, thank you.
Breathing out, thank you, thank you.

Thank you is a wonderful way to shift your vibration, to rebuild your trust in life, to flip the switch and start seeing miracles. But sometimes we do suffer and we can’t get away from the thoughts making us suffer and that’s when “Who am I?” comes through.

Breathe in and ask, who am I who is suffering?
Breathe out and investigate the answer.

Who am I who is suffering? Who am I? Who am I? There is no answer. There is no central me. There is no answer. Once you get beyond things like a child, a teenager, a parent, a daughter, an employee, whatever labels come to you, dig deeper. What’s under that? Who am I who is suffering? Who am I whose feelings are so hurt? Who am I who is so offended? Who am I who is so hurt?

Breathe in and really investigate who am I?
Breathe out and look within right now.

Who am I who is so anxious? Who am I who wants to be so liked? You can see when you ask, an image of yourself will often show up. You as a child, you as a hurt teenager, you as a son or daughter, you as a parent or sibling. These images will come up, but they’re just images. They’re just thoughts and they’re not who you really are. Keep looking.

Who am I?

Breathing in, who am I?
Breathing out, who am I who wants to control everything?

And really the answer is a separate self, an image of a separate self that feels threatened. The separate self feels vulnerable, in danger, weak, limited, mortal.

Breathing in, who am I who suffers?
Breathing out, who am I?

This question isn’t really to produce a specific answer. It’s to take your attention off of the thoughts and show you it’s all just a thought. You as you think of yourself are just an image. Who you really are is just pure awareness. There are no labels or descriptors that apply. It’s just awareness of right now. It’s whatever right now is, the awareness of that.

Breathing in, who am I who is aware?
Breathing out, who am I who is aware?

This question isn’t necessarily a cure-all and you have to really go within for it to work. You have to be genuine and silent and really look—who am I who is suffering? Who am I whose feelings are so hurt? But as soon as you look within and you see, there’s no one there. There’s just awareness. Everything else is just images. Then all of those thoughts don’t hurt you anymore. There’s no separate self to be hurt or threatened. There’s just awareness of arisings and you are that awareness in which it is all arising. You are safe. You are unborn. You are untouched, unaffected.

Breathing in, who am I?
Breathing out, who am I?

Ask yourself this question over and over today to see if it can help you break free from patterns of thought that trap you into an identity that’s completely false. You are pure awareness. You are free. And when you see that it’s all just an image, life already is the way you want it to be.

Breathing in, who am I?
Breathing out, I am.


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