Daily Meditation – Immune to All Problems

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Immune to All Problems

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Immune to All Problems (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and say yes to what is.
Breathe out and say thank you for what is.

Yes, I’m rolling my damn eyes at myself. Yes I am furious with myself. Yes I’m so mad that I’m attached to outcome. Yes I feel so uptight. Yes I am completely wound up in anger. Yes I am so tense. Yes I am so mad.

Breathe in and keep saying yes to what is.
Breathe out and keep letting go.

When you shower what is with neutral attention, it releases the tension because the energy that was being used in resisting and seeking is now being used in neutral noticing.

Breathe in and neutrally notice what is.
Breathe out and neutrally notice what is.

Yes, I’m feeling fucking crazy. Yes I’m so mad. Yes I am so mad because I let something outside of me be my reason for feeling good. Yes I let something outside of me be the thing that I want or I can’t be happy. Yes I am so scattered. And I did it to myself. Yes I am so mad at myself for dropping the fucking ball, for losing my balance. I am so mad at myself for losing my balance. Yes I keep looking at the clock because I have something to do in 20 minutes. Yes I’m starting to wake up in the dream. Yes I would love to get a good attitude. Yes my light is facing the wrong way. Yes everything is amiss. Yes it’s a mess. Yes I’m breathing in. Yes I’m trying to relax. Yes I’m breathing out yes yes yes yes yes.

I’m shining the light of neutral noticing on what is and it’s losing its hold on me just by neutrally noticing it.

Breathe in and smile because life isn’t serious
Breathe out and laugh because it’s all in your favor.

Even though I’m so fucking mad and so pissed and so uptight about things not going the way I wanted, I still totally and completely love and accept myself exactly the way I am. And control is letting go, so I’m going to let go. Because the contrast got so great that now I have no choice.

Breathe in and smile because smiling helps you feel better.
Breathe out and say fuck it fuck if fuck it fuck it fuck it fuck it motherfucking fuck it!

Breathe in and
Breathe out

It’s because I got so good at sticking to myself, to the I thought. So good that I started manifesting really good things, and then you know what happens. I got attached to the manifestations and I thought, “That’s why I feel so good because I got that awesome manifestation.” But it turns out that it was sticking to my Self that made the manifestation and I’m going to go back to sticking to my Self right now.

Breathe in I I I I I
Breathing out I I I I I I I I

Stay with the I thought until the thoughts disappear into the infinite!

Breathe in and say fuck it!
Breathe out and feel better already!

This is the best day of your life. And as soon as you let go you’ll see how it all happened in you favor. It’s all working out perfectly. Trust. Trust. Trust. If you ever need one word of advice, it’s trust. It’s all happening in your favor.

Breathe in and stop looking at the clock.
Breathe out and start sticking to yourself, just by thinking I I I I I I I over and over until the thoughts dissolve. Until the thoughts disappear.

It works so well. I was totally immune to all problems! And then I was like, “Hmm I’d rather think about this good thing that happened over and over and over until I run it into the ground and start having a really bad day.”

Breathe in and stick to yourself if you don’t want to have a bad day.
Breathe out and just be conscious of your patterns.

You can keep doing whatever you want to do as long as you’re totally conscious. Keep engaging in whatever freaky addictive behaviors you have, just do it totally consciously. And now I’m totally conscious. I I I.

Breathing in I I I am looking at the clock
Breathing out I I I

The letter I, repeating it—use it to feel your sense of being. I. I.

Breathe in and stick to yourself.
Breathe out and let go.


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