Daily Meditation – Seeking Is Suffering

Daily Meditation – Seeking Is Suffering

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Seeking Is Suffering (transcript)

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Relax your body.

Breathe in and lighten up. It’s not serious.
Breathe out and relax your body.

There’s no rush. It’s all unfolding perfectly. It’s safe to relax now and let those thoughts go.

Breathe in and open up to receiving.
Breathe out and smile because smiling will always change your vibration for the better.

Let yourself settle into this moment.

Breathe in and slow down.
Breathe out and relax.

Just relax. Just relax. Let those thoughts go. It always comes when you let go.

Breathe in and open up to receiving.
Breathe out and say thank you.

Thank you. Thank you. I know it’s in my favor. I know that everything that’s happening, even my choices, are happening in my favor.

Breathe in and say thank you and really feel it.
Breathe out and center yourself in this moment with thank you. Thank you. Slow down into this moment. Let thank you wake you up in the dream right here, right now.

Breathing in, thank you.
Breathing out, thank you.

Thank you.

And if you aren’t quite there yet with thank you, just say yes to what is. Accept what is and then it will be free to change.

Breathe in and say yes to what is.
Breathe out and have some patience with yourself.

Yes, I am beyond impatient today. Yes, I am so frustrated that I have to think about what other people want when I want one thing. Yes, I’m feeling very wanty, needy. Yes, I want things to go my way. Yes, I’m feeling frustrated because I feel like things are going to be in my way. Yes, I just want to do what I want to do. Yes, I’m mind-identified. I’m separate because I’m seeking for change.

Yes, I am seeking for something to change. Yes, I am seeking. Yes, I am seeking. I’m just seeking to go outside. Yes, I’m seeking to get in the sun. Yes, I’m seeking to have fun with my friends. Yes, I am seeking for something to change to make me feel better.

Breathe in and notice where you are seeking.
Breathe out and relax into the seeking.

Just accept it. Just admit it. Yes, I’m seeking. Yes, I want something. Yes, I want it so bad that I’m mad at everything in my way. Yes, I want something to change so I can feel better. Yes, I just want to get to this feeling and I know that when I’m seeking, I’m suffering and I have a choice to feel the way I want to feel, right now.

Breathe in and ask, “Am I aware?”
Breathe out and relax.

Look at that answer. Yes, I am aware. I am aware that I am aware and when I am aware, I have no problems because my mind isn’t agitated. I’m not worried. I’m not noticing lack, so I’m happy and I’m not separating myself, so I feel love. I’m one with all that is when I’m simply identified as pure awareness.

Breathe in and ask, “Am I aware?”
Breathe out and relax until the knowing that, “Yes, I am aware.”

You want all these things to get the feeling of love or joy or relaxation but you can choose that feeling now by simply identifying as pure awareness, going back to your source. Nothing needs to change for you to feel love and that’s what it comes down to. You just want to feel love and that’s why you seek and seek and seek and seek for change so you can get that love. It’s all leading back to wanting love but you are the love. You’re the love. It’s already right here.

My separate self-mind says, “I want the love so bad though. I want it so bad.”

Breathe in and be the love you seek.
Breathe out and trust that it will work.

Ask yourself, “Am I aware?” and rest as that answer. “Yes, I am aware that I am aware.” I am aware that I am practicing the presence of God and that is all I need to feel love, to be connected. I am now aware and I am now in the flow.


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