Category: <span>Daily Meditation</span>

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Be Under the Influence of Source

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Be Under the Influence of Source
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body. Congratulate yourself, you have come so far!

Breathe in and say, “I love myself!”
Breathe out and say, “I don’t give a fuck!”

This is the best day of your life. You’re doing everything right. Let yourself relax and enjoy life the way it is.

Breathe in and step into this moment.
Breathe out and let go of your worries.

As you go about your day, if you find yourself craving things outside of you, like drugs or alcohol or food, decide you’re going to be under the influence of source!

Breathe in and say, “I am under the influence of source!”
Breathe out and be under the influence of source!

When we want to get fucked up, when we want to be under the influence of something, when we want to get out of our heads, what is it we’re actually reaching for? To me, it’s the feeling of love or connection or god. And you can decide today to be under the influence of source energy, instead of boring old alcohol or drugs or food or even relationships!

Breathe in and decide to be under the influence of source!
Breathe out and feel yourself filling up with the influence of source energy!

What does it feel like to be fucked up on god? What does it feel like to be intoxicated with love?

Breathe in and be intoxicated with love, yeah, love!
Breathe out and get fucked up on god!

Now, I’m not trying to sound like a Christian evangelist. What I am trying to sound like is, love is our source. Love is what makes up everything. Love is the source of it all. Love is god.

Breathe in and connect to love.
Breathe out and get fucked up on love, yeah, love!

Today, you are going to be under the influence of source energy! And every time you have a craving for something outside of you to make you feel better, you’re going to go back to getting fucked up on source energy!

Breathe in and be under the influence of source energy!
Breathe out and be under the influence of source!

Breathe in and feel intoxicated already!
Breathe out and feel powerful because that’s what you get!

It’s a cumulative good! It’s good for you to get fucked up on source energy! It’s going to make your life better and better and better! You will feel empowered! You will feel in the flow! You will be a manifesting miracle worker!

Breathe in and say, “I am under the influence of source!”
Breathe out and relax because that’s all you have to do is say it and so it is!

Even if you’re not exactly sure what it means to be fucked up on source, just keep saying it to yourself and see what happens!

Breathing in I am under the influence of source energy!
Breathing out I am under the influence of source!

Let life be fun today! Let yourself start building these cumulative goods, where you start feeling more empowered, more in love, more enthusiastic about life. Because you are choosing to get fucked up on god instead of boring old alcohol and drugs or whatever your vice is! You don’t need those things. All you need is already inside of you. Connect to it right now!

Breathing in I am under the influence of source!
Breathing out get drunk on god! (Source energy. Love. Yeah love!)

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Accept It As It Is

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Accept It As It Is
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Let yourself smile!

Breathe in and lighten up!
Breathe out and let go of your thoughts.

This is the right place and the right time. You’re doing everything right.

Breathe in and say yes to what is!
Breathe out and say thank you for what is!

Your goal today is only to accept what is.

Breathe in and accept what is.
Breathe out and make peace with what is.

Everything is perfect and in its place. You really are in the right place at the right time. And it’s all unfolding perfectly.

Breathe in and relax your body.
Breathe out and relax your mind.

Let go of those thoughts. Let go of those desires. Let yourself relax and fully be here now.

Breathe in and open up to receiving.
Breathe out and feel universal energy coming into your body.

Feel yourself begin to start feeling playful! This is the best day of your life! It’s safe to just be here now and enjoy all that you’ve created for yourself!

Breathe in and say yes to what is!
Breathe out and say thank you for what is!

It’s all unfolding perfectly. If you don’t know what action to take, that’s because you’re not supposed to take any action.

Breathe in and trust yourself.
Breathe out and believe in yourself!

Let go of those worries about what’s going to happen in the future. When the future comes, you’ll be able to handle it. When the future comes, it will be the next logical step. When the future comes, it’ll be easy because you’ll just be in the present moment, accepting what is, as it comes.

Breathe in and let go of those thoughts about the future.
Breathe out and just be here now.

Breathing in I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out I know I’m breathing out.

Breathing in I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out I know I’m breathing out.

And if you still get distracted away from your breath, remember to take your Now trip, by saying, “Now I’m sitting in a chair. Now I’m recording a video. Now I’m smiling. Now I’m hearing an airplane fly by. Now I’m feeling relaxed. Now the airplane’s getting louder.”

Keep going with this Now trip to pull your attention into this moment, where all of your power lies. It’s here, right now. You’re holding it, now.

Breathe in and take your Now trip.
Breathe out and notice right now.

Breathing in I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out I know I’m breathing out.

And if you’re still fighting your reality, or there’s something you don’t like, just relax and say, “I accept it as it is. I accept it as it is.” And that is how you love your reality. That is how you start pulsing love. That is how you become a match to love, yeah, love.

Breathe in and accept it how it is.
Breathe out and accept it as it is.

There’s no use in fighting. What you resist, persists. Let your resistance go. Enter the present moment, and be filled with love!

Breathe in and make peace with what is!
Breathe out and start getting excited about what is!

In the present moment, everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about! That’s how you know you’ve made it! When everything starts feeling fun and you’re not worried anymore!

Breathing in I know I’m breathing in!
Breathing out I know I’m breathing out!

Breathe in and wake up in the dream!
Breathe out and be connected to your higher self, to life, to god, the universe. It’s here now! To connect to god, you just wake up here, now! You made it!

Breathe in and accept what is.
Breathe out and be at peace with what is!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Decide What You Want to Be True

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Decide What You Want to Be True (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

In every moment, you get a chance to think a thought you want to be true.

Breathe in and decide what you want to be true today!
Breathe out and hold that thought.

The thought I want to be true today is, “I love myself!” What do you want to believe? What do you want to be true in your reality today?

Breathe in and say, “I love myself!”
Breathe out and say, “I love myself!”

Only the thought that you’re thinking right now matters! Your thoughts in the past don’t matter. All that matters is what you’re doing right now, what you’re thinking right now.

Breathe in and lighten up! Life is not serious!
Breathe out and surrender your preferences!

It’s all working out perfectly and you don’t have to get involved! Your only work today is to feel good and if you want to feel good, all you have to do is step outside of your thoughts, into the present moment where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about!

Breathe in and smile because in the present moment everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about!
Breathe out and smile because it’s fun to smile!

Life loves you so much! You’re doing everything right! Let yourself relax and enjoy life the way it is!

Breathe in and be here now.
Breathe out and be here now.

You get to choose what you think. You get to choose how you feel. You get to choose who you are! Everything is up to you! What do you want today?

Breathe in and think about what you want.
Breathe out and acknowledge your desire.

I want to feel powerful and strong and in love and in the flow. What do you want?

Breathe in and imagine how you’ll feel when you get what you want.
Breathe out and feel that feeling now.

I feel powerful. I feel invincible. I feel impenetrable!

Breathe in and feel the way you want to feel!
Breathe out and smile because that’s the work!

It’s that easy. Just think about what you want, how would that thing make you feel, and then feel that way now. And then you have what you want.

Breathe in and say, “I love myself!”
Breathe out and say, “I love myself!”

This is the best day of your life! You get to choose what you think and how you feel! You get to choose how your day goes! You get to choose how you react. You get to choose it all.

Breathing in I love myself!
Breathing out I don’t give a fuck!

Breathing in I am a powerful witch!
Breathing out I live the magick life!

Whatever thought you want to be true today, just choose it right now. Choose the thoughts that make you feel good. Choose the thoughts that make you feel powerful. It’s all up to you. It’s all your choice!

Breathing in I love myself!
Breathing out I don’t give a fuck!

Breathing in I live the magick life!
Breathing out I am a powerful witch!

Let life be fun today! Let yourself enjoy this beautiful situation you’ve created for yourself. It’s all working out for you. You live the magick life!

Breathe in and be light today!
Breathe out and enjoy being you!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – No Matter What Happens, You’ll Still Be Okay

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No Matter What Happens, You’ll Still Be Okay (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Unconditional love is the meaning of life. Decide today to attract more unconditional love into your consciousness.

Breathe in and say, “I love myself!”
Breathe out and say, “I love myself!”

At any time, you can choose to switch from fear to love. There are many ways to do it. Some are as simple as saying, “I love myself!” You can also try feeling love in your heart.

Breathe in and feel love in your heart!
Breathe out and feel that love in your heart.

With each breath, you can bring more love into your body. And with each exhale, you can send more love into your reality, to be returned to you at a later date.

Breathe in love into your body.
Breathe out love into your reality.

Love is all that is real. Love is all that is true.

Breathe in and lighten up! Love is all that’s real!
Breathe out and let your fears go.

Fears are just False Evidence Appearing Real!

Breathing in I love myself!
Breathing out I don’t give a fuck!

You can always go back to not giving a fuck, when loving gets complicated or you don’t know how to do it or you just can’t quite get there, or you’re still scared. Just,

Breathe in and say, “I love myself!”
Breathe out and say, “I don’t give a fuck!”

Remember the power of, “I don’t give a fuck!”

No matter what happens, it’s all still love. No matter what happens, you’ll still be ok. Even if you still feel afraid, love is always there under the fear. And you’ll always come back to love. You don’t have to try.

Breathe in and give up on trying.
Breathe out and just surrender.

Just give up. If you’re having a hard time loving, or if you’re afraid, or if you just don’t know what to do with yourself, give up!

Breathe in and surrender!
Breathe out and give up your striving, give up your thinking. Give up your relentless worrying!

Just relax into this moment, right here, right now.

Breathe in and say, “I love myself!”
Breathe out and say, “I don’t give a fuck!”

I don’t give a fuck! No matter what happens, I’ll still be ok because I know the truth and the truth is that love is all that is real!

Breathing in I love myself!
Breathing out I don’t give a fuck!

Life is supposed to be fun! And only your stories in your mind that you keep telling yourself are what’s making you feel bad! You can step into this present moment, where all of your power lies, where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about, and where all that is true and real is love.

Breathing in I love myself!
Breathing out I don’t give a fuck!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Do You Believe Your Thoughts Create Your Reality?

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Do You Believe Your Thoughts Create Your Reality? (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and let your thoughts go!

This is the right time and the right place! You can trust the process of life, and relax into right now.

Breathe in and wake up in the dream!
Breathe out and step into the Now!

In the present moment, there’s nothing to worry about and everything is fun.

Breathe in and lighten up! It’s not serious!
Breathe out and let go of striving.

Today is the last day you ever have to strive for success or money!

Breathe in and stand up to your striving, achieving mind!
Breathe out and know you are already perfect!

You are already whole. You are already complete. Next time you catch yourself striving, decide to relax instead. Why do we strive? For me, I am constantly striving for income. Money, financial validation. I want to make my parents proud! But what do I really strive for money for? It’s because I want to be relaxed. Once I make my money, then I can relax and enjoy my life. But what if I relaxed and enjoyed my life first?

Breathe in and decide to become it!
Breathe out and know that you will see it!

You must become it to see it. And of course, to become a match to this financial success, I only have to relax. I have to enter the state that I think I’ll be in when I get what I want.

Breathe in and relax your body.
Breathe out and relax your mind.

You can choose to relax and enjoy your life, right now. And then you won’t need money to come and give you permission to relax and enjoy your life. Ask yourself, “What do I strive for? What do I want all of this income for? What is the feeling I’ll get when I get there?”

Breathe in and choose to feel that feeling now!
Breathe out and let go of your striving!

If relaxation is what we’re all ultimately striving for, we can get there now. We can choose to relax now. We can meditate and take hot baths and drink hot tea and do whatever else is relaxing. So many other relaxing things are available to us.

Breathe in and decide to relax today!
Breathe out and trust in the power of your mind. Trust in the power of your vibration. Do you believe your thoughts create your reality? Do you believe you must become to see it? If you do, decide today to relax first, and then the things that you think you need to relax will come!

Breathe in and stand up to striving!
Breathe out and relax!

Everything is perfect and in its place. It’s safe to relax now. It’s safe to enjoy your life.

Breathe in and say yes!
Breathe out and say thank you!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – When You Want to Escape…

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When You Want to Escape… (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Welcome back to the present moment, where all of your power lies!

Breathe in and decide on your mindset today!
Breathe out and step into this present moment!

Mindset is everything! What do you want your mindset to be today?

Breathe in and open up to receiving new ideas!
Breathe out and surrender your preferences about how you think things should go.

It’s time to accept what is, relax into the moment, and enjoy the best day of your life!

Breathe in and make peace with what is!
Breathe out and let your mind slow down.

You’re in the right place at the right time. You are doing everything right.

Breathe in and smile because life is not serious!
Breathe out and smile because smiling always makes you feel better!

Remember today, when you want to escape the moment by putting something in your mouth, remember that you are already whole. You don’t need anything outside of you to give you energy, to make you feel better. You are already whole. You are already complete.

Breathe in and say, “I am already complete!”
Breathe out and say, “I am already whole!”

As you go about your day, when you notice yourself craving something outside of you to make you feel better, like food, drugs, alcohol, people, tv, whatever it is—notice what it feels like to have that urge, feel the emotions that you’re feeling that you want to escape, and then ask yourself, “How would god feel about this?”

Breathe in and ask yourself, “How would god feel about this?”
Breathe out and listen for the answer.

How would god feel about this? The object is not to come up with a specific answer, but just to connect to god, to the universe, to life. To slow down, come outside of your mind and remember: You are god. You are whole. You already have everything you need inside of you. And you don’t need anything outside of you to make you feel better!

Breathing in I am already whole!
Breathing out I am already complete!

When you notice craving, for coffee, for conversation, for love—whatever it is that you crave, that you think you need to change to feel better—let yourself slow down, and remember: I am already whole. I am already full. I am already energized. I am already loved. I am already entertained! In the present moment, everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about! I’m already complete right here, right now!

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and surrender your preferences!

Your preferences are just your mind trying to escape the now. If you can relax your body, and be here now, you will see life already is the way you want it to be!

Breathing in I am already whole!
Breathing out I am already complete!

Whenever you want something outside of you to feel better, remember to ask yourself today, “How would god feel about this?”

Breathe in and open up to receiving connection to god!
Breathe out and feel connected to god!

Whatever god means to you—love, life, the universe, infinite intelligence—whatever this higher power is to you, you are already connected. You already have access. You already ARE god! And you connect and feel whole, right now. You don’t need anything outside of you to feel that connection.

Breathe in and be connected.
Breathe out and be complete!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Get Your Prayers Answered

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Get Your Prayers Answered
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Quiet your mind.

Breathe in and say yes!
Breathe out and say thank you!

Everything is perfect and in its place. It’s all working out for you. Let yourself become a match to all of the miracles right in front of you, with “yes” and “thank you”.

Breathing in YES!
Breathing out THANK YOU!

Remember that at any time, if there’s something you want or something you’re afraid of, you can always pray.

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and let go.

Let go of your resistance. Let go of your worries. Life is here now. Life is taking care of you. It’s time to co-create with life, and direct this beautiful dance!

Breathing in YES!
Breathing out THANK YOU!

The fastest way to get your prayers answered, is to pray like you already have that thing you want. Whatever you want, just say to life, the universe, god, whoever your higher power is—just say, “Thank you for the health. Thank you for the solution. Thank you for helping me. Thank you for helping me. Thank you for helping me.”

Breathe in and open up to receive help!
Breathe out and say, “Thank you for helping me!”

You can pray with gratitude in advance any time, over the smallest thing. Life is always listening to your prayers. Life will always match your vibration.

Breathing in YES!
Breathing out THANK YOU!

Thank you for the best day of my life! Thank you for the good mood! Thank you for the sunshine! Thank you for the income. Thank you for the abundance surrounding me. Thank you for the safe travels. Thank you for my friends and family. Thank you for the perfect partner.

Breathe in and say yes to all you have!
Breathe out and say thank you for all you have! All you want is on its way!

Breathing in YES!
Breathing out THANK YOU!

You’re in the right place at the right time. You’re doing everything right. Let yourself open up to receiving what you want. The formula is simple. Just say thank you for what you want, as if you already have it.

Breathing in YES!
Breathing out THANK YOU!

Let life take care of you today! It’s all happening FOR you! You have the power to direct your experience. Let yourself feel the way you want to feel, and you can get there easily with yes and thank you!

Breathing in YES!
Breathing out THANK YOU!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Acceptance Makes Life More Fun

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Acceptance Makes Life More Fun
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and open up to receiving today!
Breathe out and smile because life is not serious!

You are in the right place. This is the right time. And you are doing everything right!

Breathe in and say yes!
Breathe out and say thank you!

Let your body relax. Let your mind slow down. Everything is perfect and in its place.

Breathe in and say, “I love myself!”
Breathe out and say, “I love myself!”

Today, accept everything as it is. By letting go of your resistance to what is, you make room for things to change. And most of all, you feel better!

Breathe in and accept it all as it is!
Breathe out and say to your reality, “I love and accept you exactly the way you are.”

Anything that you’re looking at, that you feel an aversion to, like someone says something you don’t like, or you see something you disagree with, just say to that person or that scenario, “I love and accept you exactly the way you are.” And then feel your body release the resistance.

Breathe in and be healed!
Breathe out and know that it’s only resistance that makes you feel bad.

Resistance is just your thoughts. Only your thoughts can make you feel bad.

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

You release your resistance by making peace with what is. And to make peace with what is, you only have to say, “I love and accept you exactly the way you are.”

Breathe in and smile!
Breathe out and focus your attention.

When you let go of your resistance, the manifestations come. You don’t have to work on manifesting. You don’t have to think really hard about what you want. It’s only your thoughts blocking what you want from coming. It’s already on the way. It’s already right in front of you! All you gotta do is change your perspective and you can see what you wanted is right in front of you!

Breathe in and say yes!
Breathe out and say thank you!

Today, make it your mission to accept it all as it is. By saying, “I love and accept you exactly the way you are,” or just by looking at something and saying, “I accept it as it is.”

Breathe in and accept it as it is.
Breathe out and love and accept it as it is.

This applies to yourself too. You don’t have to change anything. You don’t have to do anything different. Just love and accept yourself exactly the way you are. And then, the things that need to change will change themselves.

Breathe in and lighten up! We’re just here for fun!
Breathe out and feel excited about your day!

Acceptance can make life so much more fun.

Breathing in I love and accept you exactly the way you are.
Breathing out I love and accept myself exactly the way I am.

You live the magick life! And magick is just a matter of letting go of your resistance. To let the natural flow of life pulse what you want to you.

Breathe in and say yes!
Breathe out and say thank you!

It’s all for you. This life thing we’re on, it’s all magick. It’s all love. It’s all pure positive energy. Pure potential. Anything can happen!

Today, embrace this potential. Embrace this limitlessness. Embrace the magick that you have in you right now! Just by accepting what is. And by accepting what is, you will see life already is the way you want it to be!

Breathing in I love and accept you exactly the way you are.
Breathing out I love and accept myself exactly the way I am.

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – The Formula for the Best Day of Your Life!

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The Formula for the Best Day of Your Life! (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and smile because life is just for fun!
Breathe out and surrender your preferences.

Whatever’s happening today: Accept What Is.

Breathe in and make peace with what is!
Breathe out and say it: “I accept it as it is.”

Our suffering comes from resisting what is, and when you fight is, you lose. So today, let’s embrace and accept it all. And then it will be free to flow and change.

Breathe in and say, “I accept it as it is!”
Breathe out and apply this to all of your reality, especially people.

When you see someone doing something you don’t like, just say, “I accept you as you are. I accept this as it is.” And try to let go of your resistance to the situation.

Breathe in and accept it as it is.
Breathe out and feel at peace.

When you accept it as it is, you no longer feel that tension in your body, that feeling of pulling away and resisting and suffering.

Breathe in and accept it as it is.
Breathe out and feel so relieved.

When you accept it as it is, there’s nothing to fight. And when you’re not fighting, you’re allowing. And when you’re allowing, you let what you want come to you. And you give people the freedom to change on their own!

Breathe in and accept it as it is!
Breathe out and feel at peace.

Breathe in and be light today!
Breathe out and let go of all of that resistance.

Now that you’ve accepted it as it is, it’s time to have fun! So, say you’ve made peace with what is, you’ve stopped resisting, you’re no longer suffering. But how do you start thriving? All you have to do to thrive is ask yourself, “What feels fun right now? What would feel fun right now?”

Breathe in and ask yourself, “What would feel fun right now?”
Breathe out and just sit with that question. What would feel fun right now?

It can take some time for the answer to come, but give yourself a full 5 minutes if that’s what it takes to feel out what sounds fun right now. If you can follow what sounds fun, that’s the same thing as following your bliss.

Breathe in and ask yourself, “What would feel fun right now?”
Breathe out and feel for it. Feel for fun. What would feel fun right now?

Getting a haircut. Getting a tattoo. Getting a massage. Going shopping! Climbing a tree. What would feel fun to you right now?

Breathe in and keep asking yourself today, what would feel fun right now?
Breathe out and get ready to thrive, because that’s all you need to thrive today.

Accept what is and feel for what’s fun! That’s the formula for having the best day of your life!

Breathe in and accept what is!
Breathe out and feel fun now!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Stop Taking Shit from Other People

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Stop Taking Shit from Other People
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and smile because is just for fun!
Breathe out and stand up to your thoughts today!

You are in the right place at the right time, and you can do no wrong. Whatever feels fun for you today, that’s what you need to go towards.

Breathe in and decide to have fun today!
Breathe out and let yourself be present enough in the moment that you can ask yourself, “What feels fun right now?”

Breathe in and ask yourself, “What feels fun right now?”
Breathe out and let the answer come to you.

What feels fun right now?

Breathe in and keep feeling that fun feeling. What feels fun right now?
Breathe out and feel the feeling of fun!

What feels fun right now? To me, laughing feels fun. Laughing at jokes. Laughing with my friends. What feels fun to you?

Breathe in and open up to receiving fun today!
Breathe out and let your doubts and worries go.

Life is not serious! You can let all those thoughts go. Your only obligation and responsibility is to your self. Decide today, to be true to yourself. All that means is to listen to your emotions. What are your emotions telling you??

Breathe in and ask yourself, “How do I feel?”
Breathe out and feel around in there. How do you feel?

I feel frustrated with myself, but I feel a tendril of hope and optimism and enthusiasm poking through. How do you feel?

Breathe in and lighten up! We’re just here for fun! It’s not serious!
Breathe out and let those worries go!

When something doesn’t feel fun, don’t do it!

Breathe in and feel energy filling you! This is where it comes from!
Breathe out and keep feeling that feeling of fun!

What sounds fun now? Go towards that! And if your mind’s telling you things like drugs and alcohol and food, perhaps think twice. Perhaps ask yourself, “Does that really sound fun? Is that really the connection I’m craving? Is that really the thing that I think is going to make me feel good?”

Breathe in and ask yourself, “What’s going to make me feel good today?”
Breathe out and let your worries go!

What is going to make me feel good today, is standing up to my thoughts, being in the present moment, smiling, and not taking any shit from anyone!

I am not here to please you! I am not here to do favors for you! I am here to feel good, have fun and enjoy being.

Breathe in and lighten up! It’s not serious!
Breathe out and remember to be kind.

But kindness starts by being kind to yourself. And if it takes not being kind to yourself to be kind to someone else, you’re not doing it right.

Breathe in and be kind to yourself.
Breathe out and be true to yourself.

Listen to what you want. Listen to how you feel. Listen to what sounds fun to you today. Stop taking shit from other people! Stop listening to what other people want! What do you want?

Breathe in and think about what you want.
Breathe out and let go.

I just want to be present, and I think I want to get off instagram!

Breathe in and be kind to yourself today!
Breathe out and surrender your preferences.

Surrendering your preferences means letting go of attachment to outcome. Just because you want something doesn’t mean you have to care if you get it that way. All wanting helps you know is how you want to feel.

What do you want?

I want to feel energized! I want to have fun!

To feel energized and to have fun, I only have to enter the present moment where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about!

Breathe in and stand up to your thoughts AND your reality!
Breathe out and stand up for yourself today!

You don’t have to be a doormat. You don’t have to say yes to every small request. You don’t have to please anyone but yourself. Today you’re pleasing you only!

Breathe in and lighten up!
Breathe out and say, “I don’t give a fuck!”

I’m not even going to apologize. I don’t give a fuck!